National Bills in Congress

We cooperate with National Citizens for Health on federal bills. These are some of the Key Bills in Congress that need your support.

Send a letter or e-mail supporting one or more of these bills. The National site has a service that allows you to communicate with your member of Congress by entering your zip code and using a composed message.

*The Thomas Navarro FDA Patients Rights Act (HR 3677) gives patients, rather than the Food and Drug Administration, the power to choose the method of medical treatment. The Act reforms the powers of the FDA so that the agency provides full disclosure of treatment options and cannot block patient access to treatments. The Act also assures that scientific research can advance based on safety and efficacy. For press release Click here.

*The Access To Medical Treatment Act (AMTA) HR746/S578 allows state licensed health care providers to utilize safe, non-FDA approved, alternative therapies that have a reasonable expectation of therapeutic gain if the patient has been fully informed about the treatment. (See Thomas Navarro's Fight For Medical Freedom ) See our Action alert for more details and how you can help.

*HR 3306 - Dietary Supplement Tax Amendment amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide that amounts paid for foods for special dietary use, dietary supplements, or medical foods shall be treated as medical expenses

*HR3304/S1307, The Food Stamp Eligibility Act amends the Food Stamp Act of 1977 to permit participating households to use food stamp benefits to purchase nutritional supplements providing vitamins or minerals, and for other purposes.

*Dietary Supplement Fairness in Labeling and Advertising Act - H.R. 3305 requires the Commissioner of Food and Drugs to issue revised regulations relating to dietary supplement labeling, to amend the Federal Trade Commission Act to provide that certain types of advertisements for dietary supplements are proper, and for other purposes.

*HR1187/S660, the Medicare Medical Nutrition Therapy Act of 1999 amends the Social Security Act to provide coverage under part B of Medicare for medical nutrition therapy

*Genetically Engineered Food Right To Know Act-H.R.3377 amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Federal Meat Inspection Act, and the Poultry Products Inspection Act to require that food that contains a genetically engineered material, or that is produced with a genetically engineered material, be labeled accordingly.

*HR1046, the Chiropractic Patient' Freedom of Choice Act of 1999 requires Medicare to reimburse doctors of chiropractic for all services provided within the scope of their license.