ALERT sent out January 2000
Four-year-old Thomas Navarro is suffering from medulloblastoma, a recurring, malignant form of brain cancer. After surgery in September to remove the tumor, doctors prescribed traditional post-operative chemotherapy and radiation treatment. After reviewing the medical effects of chemotherapy and radiation on young children, Thomas' parents decided to pursue alternative cancer therapy.
For more than three months, the FDA has refused to allow Thomas to receive a safe, alternative cancer therapy as part of an FDA clinical trial program. Instead, the agency insists that Thomas FIRST undergo the harmful traditional cancer treatments.
Experts admit that conventional treatments for this type of cancer usually cause severe and permanent mental and physical harm, other types of cancer, and death. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment have NEVER been approved by the FDA for use on young children.
Your help is needed not only for Thomas' sake, but for the millions of Americans who need access to safe alternative care. Please take 5 minutes of your time to send off e-mails and printed letters to the
FDA; the Vice President, the President, and Donna Shalala, Head of the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the FDA.
National Citizens for Health has a service that allows you to quickly send customized form letters using the information on Thomas's website. This site also allows you to communicate with your member of Congress by entering your zip code and using a composed message urging them to support the Access to Medical Treatment Act (AMTA). This legislation would ensure that situations such as Thomas Navarro's will not happen in the future.
California Citizens for Health Freedom has a pending Bill, The Healing Arts- Alternative Medicine (Physicians Right to Practice Act) that will enable licensed medical professionals to practice non-conventional (alternative) medicine in addition to conventional medicine and will remove legal restrictions that limit cancer treatment to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.