American Association for Health Freedom is the political voice for health care practitioners who use nutritional and other complementary therapies in patient care.
Cancer Control Society has brought life-saving information to thousands of patients and their families.
Cancer Victors and Friends the most comprehensive online alternative cancer health source for therapies, clinic and physician search, member chats and discussion forums to keep our members on top of the latest news and alternative cancer information out there.
Keep Nature Natural A campaign for labeling & establishment of safety standards for genetically engineered foods.
Citizens for Health a national, non-profit grassroots organization protecting health choices and promoting wellness.
The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) is the leading national resource connecting people with vital solutions for reaching a higher level of wellness. They want you to enjoy an enhanced quality of life with vitality, enthusiasm, confidence and self-worth.
The Institute for Responsible Technology serves as the premier meeting ground for the leaders of America’s non-GMO community.
Mothers for Natural Law because of its extreme urgency, have made genetic engineering their only focus.
Companies and Brand Names for non-GE Items as well as a free database of non-GE suppliers for manufacturers.
Children’s Nutrition Information Extensive library of children’s nutrition articles
Your Right to Know cancer prevention, education, advocacy, toxins removal. discusses chemicals in your daily products and information and scientific facts on them. Many articles on toxics on personal care products.
The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods See how you can keep up the pressure on members of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees to hold hearings on USDA policy regarding genetically engineered corn.
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water E-mail [email protected], also see their web at Keepers of the Well.
Organic Consumers Association Campaigning for Food Safety, Organic Agriculture, Fair Trade & Sustainability.
Environmental Health Network of California, more than you wanted to know about toxins and environment and affect on your health.
Mercury Policy Project works to promote policies to eliminate mercury uses, reduce the export and trafficking of mercury, and significantly reduce mercury exposures at the local, national, and international levels.
- Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education their mission is to prevent vaccine injury and death and to promote and protect the right of every person to make informed independent vaccination decisions for themselves and their families.
The Sanctity of Human blood: Vaccination I$ Not Immunization Excellent book. - Bioterrism and Vaccinations
Health bill endangers civil rights. Bush pushes plan to expand control in bioweapon attack. San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, November 25, 2001
Health4US Foundation provides you with information about one of the biggest threats to human health: Codex Alimentarius.