Please contact us if you can volunteer to do one or more of the following:
1. Collect names on Petitions for current issues. You will be given detailed instructions for circulating. Pass out information about current issues, take flyers to local health food stores etc.
2. Man booths at upcoming health/trade shows in your area. You will be given necessary information. This usually involves giving out flyers and educating people about issues and goals for our organization.
3. Phone, E-Mail and write letters to legislators and newspapers in your area/district. We are creating a list of volunteers that we can contact when we need them.
4. Be a local representative in your local community for California Citizens For Health Freedom, you will get support and direction from us.
5. Help in fund raising. We are a non-profit organization, as with most grass roots groups, we are supported by donations and some small grants.
If you feel you can help, E-Mail:[email protected]
If you want monthly newsletters/alerts E-Mailed to you, E-Mail:[email protected] requesting to be added to the email list.