The Under
TOW CoalitionDedicated to Keeping
Toxics Out of Our Drinking WaterCalifornia Citizens for Health Freedom,
a 501-C-4 legislative advocacy organization specializing in alternative & natural health announces its formation of UnderTOW. Please join our coalition of health professionals, scientists, health food stores, and organizations who want stop industrial toxic waste being added to California’s drinking water as fluoridation.Yes, I want to join this coalition*:
___ As an individual health professional:
__ MD __ ND __ PA __ DC __ RN __ LM __
___ As a scientist:
__ PhD __ MS BA/BS ;
___ As an Organization**: _______________________________________
___ As a health food store: ______________________________________
The name of the officer authorizing this alliance/store: ___________________________________
Contact information:
Name: ______________________________________________________
Geo-Address _______________________________________
zip_____________E-mail address: ______________________________________
Home: ______________ Cell: ______________ Work: ___________**
If you are joining as an organization, please give us some information about it (e.g., mission, goals, type of_____________________________________________________________________________________________
The names of all coalition members will be listed in publications to legislators, health officials, member organizations, our web site,UnderTOW
has no dues or membership requirements. Members will receive e-Alerts requesting that they send letters/e-mails to specific legislators. All donations to further the efforts of CC4HF and UnderTOW are gratefully accepted, but are not eligible for tax deduction due to our legislative advocacy. Donations and completed forms should be sent to:California Citizens for Health Freedom,
8048 Mamie Ave., Oroville CA 95966-8412 |
Phone: 1.530.534.9758 ~ Fax: 1.530.534.5854
[email protected] Website: